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The increasing popularity of social media platforms has led to a significant rise in user-generated content (UGC), which has revolutionized the way we create and consume content online. This advanced seminar tends to cover the various aspects of UGC and social platforms and their mutual impact on online communication. The seminar will explore the different types of UGC, the motivations behind UGC creation, and the influence of platforms’ strategies on the creation of UGC. This seminar will also discuss the ethical and legal considerations surrounding UGC, as well as the opportunities that platforms embark on to foster UGC and desired online behaviors.



Reza Alibakhshi is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Technology at IE Business School, Madrid. Prior to joining IE, he received his Ph.D. from HEC Paris in Information Systems and Operations Management. At IE, he teaches in the Global Online MBA and undergraduate programs. His teaching broadly covers areas related to Core Information Systems, Digital Transformation, and Social Media topics.
In addition to his teaching, his research interests include User-Generated Content and Platforms, with a specific focus on how UGC is created by various actors such as users, creators, and firms, and how it influences their collective behaviors on these platforms. His research has been published or accepted for publication in premier refereed journals such as the Journal of Management Information Systems and premier international conferences in Information Systems including the International Conference on Information Systems, Academy of Management, and Association for Computing Machinery SIG Management Information Systems.


The intended seminar will provide an interactive forum with the following global learning objectives:

1. Understand the dynamics of User-Generated Content (UGC): Students will learn about different types of UGC, including its creation and consumption within the social media ecosystem.

2. Analyze the motivations behind UGC creation: Students will develop an understanding of why users create content and how these motivations impact the type and quality of UGC produced.

3. Examine the impact of social media strategies on UGC: Students will investigate how social media strategies can stimulate or influence the creation and dissemination of UGC.

4. Study the ethical and legal considerations of UGC: Students will discuss potential ethical issues associated with UGC, such as copyright infringement, privacy concerns, and the responsibility of platforms in regulating content.

5. Investigate the societal impact of UGC and social media: Students will examine how UGC and the rise of social media platforms have influenced societal norms, behaviors, and communication patterns.

6. Evaluate the opportunities provided by social media platforms to foster UGC: Students will explore how social media platforms create opportunities for UGC and how they influence online behaviors.


Which dates?

January 19th, 2024×2
January 26th, 2024×2
February 2nd, 2024×2

What day?


What time?


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